Zinc and Vitamin C and Your Immune System

When it comes to your immune system, there are plenty of things that you can do to give it a well-deserved boost. After all, your immune system works around the clock to ward off unwanted illnesses. Giving this vital bodily system some extra support is a fabulous way to show it you’re grateful for everything it does for you. 

If you’re looking for ways to help out your immune system, we’re excited to share with you a simply amazing product you can use to do so. 

But before we dive into that, we want to share some facts about zinc and vitamin C. When it comes to supporting your immune system, these two do the heavy-lifting. And trust us, you’re not going to want to miss an opportunity to include them in your wellness routine. 

While you have likely heard that vitamin C and zinc are good for your immune system, you might not know what exactly they are, or how they work. That’s okay! We’re here to walk you through everything connected to zinc, vitamin C, and your immune system. 

We guarantee that by the time you’re done reading, you’ll have a more robust understanding of how these different things interact. 

Today, we’re going to share some information about zinc and vitamin C with you. We will start by giving you some background on zinc, and then discuss how it can make a positive impact on your immune system. 

After, we’ll answer any questions you have about vitamin C, including why it’s helpful for your immune system. Lastly, we’ll share with you a product that combines these two in one yummy, healthful package. 

What Is Zinc?

Did you know that zinc is technically an essential mineral? It’s true! This is present in a variety of foods, and is added into others. If you’re not getting a sufficient amount of zinc from your diet, there are other options. You can also take zinc as a supplement to your diet.

Zinc has a myriad of uses. You might see it in cold lozenges or over-the-counter drugs you can purchase to treat a cold. This mineral has several properties that make it an excellent addition to any wellness regimen. 

In addition to this, zinc is involved in several aspects of cellular metabolism, which make it an absolute must-have for the human body. Zinc is essential for the catalytic activity of about 100 enzymes. It also, as you know, has a role in your immune system’s function. That’s not where zinc’s responsibilities end, however. Zinc is also involved in protein synthesis, DNA synthesis, cell division, and wound healing. 

Think about zinc as a supportive mineral. It also supports regular function and development throughout life. And did you know that zinc is essential for a proper sense of smell and taste? Interestingly enough, it is.

Since the body has no specialized storage system for zinc, you have to have a daily intake of this mineral to maintain a steady state. This is yet another reason why adding a zinc supplement to your day could be a vital addition, if you’re not getting enough of it from your food. Your recommended zinc intake varies depending on several factors, so be sure to check that out and act appropriately to ensure you are getting the correct amount.

What Is Zinc Deficiency, and What Happens If You Don’t Have Enough Zinc?

Yes, you can be zinc deficient, and this can have a variety of detrimental consequences. That is why it’s so important that, one way or another, you’re getting enough zinc. 

Zinc deficiency can result in a slowing of growth, a loss of appetite, and lastly, impaired immune system function. Nevertheless, it can be difficult to figure out if you are zinc deficient or if there’s another medical reason at play, since these symptoms are non-specific. 

If you fear that you are deficient in zinc, your best bet is to reach out to a trusted doctor. They’ll be able to help you figure out what your next steps should be. 

It can actually be difficult to gauge one’s zinc nutritional status using only laboratory tests. This is due to its distribution through the human body, as it is a component of several nucleic acids and proteins. Instead, your doctor will likely take a multi-faceted approach to figure out if you have a zinc deficiency. 

How Can Zinc Impact Your Immune System in a Positive Way?

You might be wondering how exactly zinc can help out your immune system. Research suggests that zinc could actually help control infection by lightly putting the breaks on immune response. It does this in a way that supports a reduction of inflammation. 

Scientists have also determined in both animal studies and human cell culture that a protein lures zinc into essential cells that work as first-responders against infections in the human body. Then, zinc interacts with a vital process in the fight against infection. By doing this, it helps balance your body’s immune response. 

What Is Vitamin C?

Vitamin C is also sometimes referred to as L-ascorbic acid. This water-soluble vitamin occurs naturally in some foods and is added in others. You can also take it separately as a dietary supplement. 

Because humans are unable to synthesize vitamin C endogenously, unlike a lot of other animals, it’s important that if you’re not getting enough of it through food, you take it as a supplement. 

This vitamin is essential for a variety of bodily functions. Not only is it useful for the biosynthesis of collagen, some neurotransmitters, and L-carnitine, it also plays a role in protein metabolism. 

This is important because of the nature of collagen. It’s a must-have for connective tissue, and this plays a crucial role in wound healing. That’s not all vitamin C is important for, however. 

It is also a valuable physiological antioxidant, and can even work to regenerate other antioxidants. As you might have guessed, vitamin C also is vital to immune function. 

How much vitamin C a person needs depends on a variety of factors, so once again, you should look into your recommended intake. And if you’re not getting a sufficient amount of vitamins in food, you will need to take a supplement to support your body. 

What Is Vitamin C Deficiency, and What Happens If You Don’t Have Enough of This Vitamin?

It’s essential that you get the correct amount of vitamin C because if you end up with a deficiency, it could lead to several detrimental ailments. While the timeline of these ailments vary, signs and symptoms can appear within a month of little to no vitamin C intake. 

Some initial symptoms that you are facing a vitamin C shortage include malaise, inflammation of gums, and fatigue, too. 

While today, vitamin C is not super common in developed countries, it can still happen. This mainly occurs with people that have limited food variety, and therefore, if you feel you fall into this category, or if the food you’re consuming doesn’t have enough vitamin C, you’re going to want to take a supplement. 

How Can Vitamin C Impact Your Immune System In A Positive Way?

Part of the reason why a vitamin C supplement could be helpful is that it can support your immune system. This essential micronutrient has pleiotropic functions that are related to the vitamin’s ability to donate electrons. It’s also an antioxidant, and yes, contributes to immune defense. This occurs by supporting a variety of cellular functions for both the innate and adaptive immune systems. 

Therefore, if you are looking for ways that you can help your immune system, adding a vitamin C supplement could be an excellent way to tackle this. We recommend that you look into adding a supplement with vitamin C into your daily wellness regimen. 

In Summation, Cosmos Vita Is Here To Help

Clearly, vitamin C and zinc have a lot to give your immune system. That’s why encourage you to take a look at Supportive, our zinc, vitamin C, and elderberry gummy supplement. 

(Trust us, you’ll want to look into what elderberry could potentially do for you if you’ve got another few minutes!)

Not only are our supplements thoughtfully crafted in the United States, they also are vegan, gluten-free, and free of artificial dyes and flavors. And yes, these supplements provide you with 100% of your daily recommended vitamin C intake. Not to mention they’re chewable, and taste delicious. 

This supplement is packed with antioxidants and can help your immune system in a variety of ways. Add it to your daily regimen and see for yourself! We have a feeling you’re going to love your Cosmos Vita gummies as much as we’ve loved creating them. 



Zinc - Health Professional Fact Sheet | National Institutes of Health

Zinc helps against infection by tapping brakes in immune response | Science Daily

Vitamin C - Health Professional Fact Sheet | National Institutes of Health  

Vitamin C and Immune Function | National Institutes of Health

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